Archives for August 2011

Never Forgotten

Told by: Rachel

My first daughter was so easy to conceive, and while she gave me all the typical aches and pains, she was such a breeze to carry. I guess being pregnant with her made me take for granted that everything would be that easy from then on.  Two and a half years later my husband and I decided we were ready for another child and my Mirena was removed. My cycle came like clock work every 30 days for the next five months. That November I started spotting brown mid cycle and it contiued for 10 days before I went in to the doc to see what was going on. I was told “congrats, you’re pregnant.” The doc guessed I was 8-10 weeks based on my uterus size and sent for an ultrasound. It took a couple weeks of rollercoaster rides of guessing if I was too early to see baby, having a miscarriage, or having an ectopic before we finally were told that I was having a miscarriage. It was very difficult for me but I was able to come to terms with it. Fast forward two years and we still have not been able to conceive.

It was so heartbreaking for me and for my husband. Finally we were blessed with a wonderful little girl who is now almost three years old. We knew that with my troubles conceiving my youngest that we should not use any birthcontrol and let nature take it’s course. I nursed until my daughter self weaned at 13 months old. I figured I would have troubles getting pregnant while she was nursing, but even months after she weaned my cycles were 46-89 days long. I struggled with feelings of inadequacy over taking Clomid month after month and still no baby. I felt like I was not a “real woman” because I could not conceive a child. Finally 7 cycles of Clomid later, right after burying my father in law, we found out we were pregnant. I had a bad feeling from the first postivie pregnancy test, but allowed myself to feel hope and excitement with each symptom and each day that passed.

At 7 weeks we saw our little one’s heart beating strong and fell even more in love. Still in the back of my mind something just was not right. I ended up in the ER with a small amount of spotting and cervical pains. The doc treated me as if I were a turkey he was trying to stuff and left me sitting there crying in pain. Finally the on call OB came and did a quick scan to confirm the baby had a heart beat. The doc never measured the heartbeat, or the baby, and then the ER sent me on my way feeling as if no questions were answered.  I called my OB to try and be seen earlier than 12 weeks and was blown off. I called when I felt like I was dilating and again was blown off. Things just did not feel right and no one would listen. I started spotting one night and went in to the ER. I thought for sure I would be told I needed a cerclage or be put on bedrest. The tech doing the scan made small talk and seemed happy and upbeat, but never let me see the screen. I figured it was normal and thought nothing of it. Two hours later the ER doc came in and asked me if anyone had given me the results of my scan. I told him no, of course not, he was the only one who was allowed to give them to us. Then, as if he was telling me the sky was blue, he announced I had a miscarriage.

My world started spinning. Nothing made sense. It was like an out of body experience. Miscarriage? How could that be? My baby had a heartbeat just a few weeks before that. My husband asked if the baby would pass on its own or if we needed a procedure to help it pass. I was so confused at that point, I knew I had not physically passed my baby, the sac, placenta, blood or anything. There was no way the little amount of spotting I had, had been a miscarriage. The doc must be wrong. So I asked him how I had a miscarriage when I never lost the baby. Then it clicked, my baby was dead, but still inside me. I asked him if he meant my baby was dead, but still inside me of me. He nodded his head but said nothing. I asked for how long, how, and why. He only said I do not know. He asked if we had any more questions, but his tone clearly stated he could not care less and was hoping we said no.

I started panicking, screaming, crying, throwing things. I was having a breakdown. I just kept screaming “my baby, my baby no not my baby!”

The nurse came in and tried to console me. She answered questions as best as she could, hugged me and offered me resources for grief counseling. I was there physically, but mentally I had checked out. It was almost like an out of body experience.  I was so angry. How could this happen? Why? Why MY baby? Why when I had to struggle for years to conceive and had already had three miscarriages in my life did I have to lose another baby? This baby had lived. This baby had a heart beat. I saw it. I watched my perfect little baby inside my body with a strong healthy beating heart. I had to wait 2 days to reach my doctor and ended up going to what was supposed to be my first prenatal check up, to confirm that my baby was in fact still.

The midwife let me see the baby. She let me have a picture. She answered my questions as best as she could. She had to call in the OB because protocol stated a second person had to confirm before anything could be done to help the physical passing of the baby. The OB was unfeeling and more than once referred to my history of miscarriages as “bad luck” even though no testing had been done. She presrcibed me  some pills to help me pass the baby. I was 12 weeks pregnant when I took the pills. It was not long after the pills were inserted that I got crampy, very crampy and passed a lot of clots. One clot was so large that I thought it might actually be the baby. When I leaned over the toilet to look, my youngest daughter ran in and flushed the toilet. She thought she was helping mommy. I cried and cried because I thought she flushed the baby.

I laid down and cried and suddenly felt a gush. I ran to the bathroom and found my water had broke. I thought it was strange that I would pass the baby and THEN my water would break. I sat on the toilet again, cramping horribly and passed a lot more clots and tissue. I then looked in the toilet and found THERE was my baby, whole, tiny and perfect. I did not even think twice, I fished the tiny little body, no more than an inch and a half to two inches long out of the toilet. I laid it on a paper towel and bawled. My beautiful little baby had eyes, arms, legs and though alien like, my baby was perfect. Some think it is strange, but I took pictures of my baby. I wanted to remember him or her forever just as tiny and perfect as he or she was.

It has been 6 and a half months since my miscarriage. I took a round of Clomid a month after my miscarriage not sure if I was ready to try again or not. I was blessed with another chance that first cycle after losing my angel. I am now 24 weeks pregnant with our first little boy. This pregnancy has been rough for me. We had a threatened miscarraige early on and I have lived in fear of losing another child. So far everything is perfect and Baby Matthew is measuring ahead and wiggling up a storm. I feel a lot of guilt because while I am eternally grateful to be carrying a healthy little boy, I still grieve over, and miss my angel baby. I still cry. The 19th of August is the date my angel baby was due. This week is increasingly hard because I know that I should be holding a perfect little baby right now, but instead I am 16 weeks away from my due date with Baby Matthew. I know how blessed I am but it does not stop the pain of losing the perfect little life I carried inside of me. My husband wonders when I will be able to get passed the loss. I wonder when he will realize you never truly get passed losing a child, born or unborn.

“Pregnancy Loss” Doula Handbook

If you have not taken our Birth & Bereavement Doula training but want an introduction to understanding the importance in providing such support, this handbook will be valuable to you.


It is highly recommended as a birth support of any level (and particularly doulas with little or no pregnancy & infant loss experience), to purchase the Pregnancy Loss Doula Handbook.  The Pregnancy Loss Doula Handbook provides doulas with essential recommendations and information on how to best support families experiencing pregnancy and infant loss.  The Handbook covers:

  • types of support and personal safety.
  • support prior to the birth.
  • support during the birth in an early, at-home miscarriage.
  • support during the birth in a medically assisted miscarriage.
  • support during the birth in a planned at-home stillbirth.
  • support during the birth in a hospital stillbirth.
  • support following the loss.
  • compassion fatigue and peer support information.
  • financial information.


We now offer the Handbook in two formats.  The original was first created in 2011 and is in a PDF format.  The new actual book version has a better name and even more content!  If you’d like the printed copy mailed to you, it contains all  of the above information, plus these bonus subjects:

  • history of doula
  • the most frequently visited pages from stillbirthday: types of loss, birth methods, birth plans, farewell celebrations
  • self care
  • foundation for the SBD workshops

We don’t offer tracking on international orders to keep cost to a realistic minimum.

Get your print version here:





[wp_cart_button name=”Supporting Birth & Bereavement as a Doula” price=”20.00″]




You do not need to order the handbook if you are taking Stillbirthday’s Birth & Bereavement Doula training.  Stillbirthday provides the most comprehensive birth & bereavement training, applicable for birth attendants of all levels.  It is affordable, available entirely online, and comes with valuable benefits.  Join the SBD global  birth & bereavement team!

The Pregnancy Loss Doula Handbook is available in an easy-to-download format, for only $15.  All proceeds go to Christian Childbirth Services LLC to support  Click the yellow button to see the stillbirthday shop and place your order.  Download is not automatic – it is sent to you as soon as I receive your payment (within 24 hours).

And don’t forget to list your services to be added to stillbirthday!

~Stillbirthday Birth & Bereavement Doula Training promotional video~



The Pregnancy Loss Doula Handbook was created at the original publication of stillbirthday on August 1, 2011.  Because the founder of stillbirthday had been a birth doula for nearly 10 years, the lens through which the handbook was originally created was to provide exposure and awareness of pregnancy loss to those birth doulas and birth midwives who weren’t interested in committing to the full online credentialing program.

Since this first publication, stillbirthday has continued to provide this opportunity, however we have continued to provide training to individuals with little or no previous professional birth support experience or training, and so this has allowed us to fully open the name in the updated version of the handbook to reflect the beautifully inclusive collective of persons who simply have a heart to learn more about supporting families in the spaces where birth & bereavement meet.

Whether you call it a pregnancy loss, or an infant loss, or both, we at stillbirthday can meet you where you are in terminology but desire to offer to you this truth:

a pregnancy loss is still a birthday

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Birth Education

(go back to birth plans)

It is important to know what to expect during your labor and delivery, but if you know and are preparing for your stillbirth delivery of your baby, attending a public or group birthing class can seem very overwhelming, leaving you to sort through a mix of very difficult, and very valid, feelings.

For this reason, I have added some customized content here, so that you can learn about what to expect from your body, and from your care providers, during the course of your labor and delivery.

Please contact a stillbirthday birth & bereavement doula, who can support you prior to, during, and/or after the birth of your miscarried or stillborn baby.

Types of Loss

Birth Planning start page

Levels of Augmentation

During Birth information – including specialized welcoming & bonding options (bathing your baby and more)

Still Water Birth

Emotional Support verses and quotes

General Postpartum Health

Medical options and information, pesonalized options for your birth such as special items and helpful techniques such as birthing positions and breathing, and information about your labor including dilation/effacement, stages of labor and what to expect during labor can all be explained to you by your Stillbirthday Bereavement Doula.

These documents are for your labor and delivery only.  Reproduction or redistribution of these materials without the site creator’s written consent is a direct violation of this copyright agreement.

The SBD® Doula provides support to families experiencing birth in any trimester and in any outcome.

Here at, you can learn about the SBD® Doula.