SBD Chaplains

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In addition to becoming certified by a globally respected organization in birth and bereavement doula support, SBD Doulas now can advance in their knowledge, skills and services to become SBD Chaplains.

SBD Chaplains are midwives of thanatology: honoring, empowering, respecting.

Click this link to learn more about becoming an SBD Chaplain.


To help spread the word about this important addition to stillbirthday support, when we reach 50 comments below, we will run a giveaway drawing of 2 special double purple cord bracelets, bound by a silver heart charm from B’Earth Angel.  The double purple cord represents the two levels of training:

  • Birth & Bereavement Doula : support prior to birth, during birth, postpartum, and follow up care
  • SBD Chaplaincy : thanatological midwifery – serving in an active role during the farewell celebration, including preparing the baby for farewell viewing, funeral and burial or other farewell celebration of the family’s choosing

Just comment that you’d like these two bracelets, for yourself and for someone you love!  Reaching 50 comments is SO EASY to achieve – have your friends all comment too that you should win, and their comments count for you!

Share Your Story Share Your Story Become a Doula before during after


  1. My wish is that other families will get the chance to have these specially trained people at their sides during their most emotional state. My nurses were well trained; however, I felt like I was treated as what they are trained for in nursing school. Being a nurse myself I know there’s that part of your soul when there’s a job to do you just turn off your mind to what really is happening and get the job done. You’ll cry tears later when you realize your sort of out of body experience was reality. What really makes a caregiver is one who sits on that bedside cries tears with you when that’s all you can do. the night my daughter died, I was put into a “regular room” with that ugly card that features the leaf and teardrop on it outside. My nurse came in took my vitals then I never saw another soul again until I was discharged the next day. It was extremely lonely. I felt alienated. It pleases me to know there are others that are going to change this. I know I have had first hand training and I will never take someone’s grief for granted and I will cry with them. Thank you.

  2. Anne Risner says:

    Love this! What is the website for these?

  3. Maggie Kuttner says:

    Gorgeous! Would love to have one

  4. So beautiful!

  5. Brittney colburn says:

    <3 I would love one, and to give one to a dear friend who also lost he daughter. We have become so close by having this terrible heartbreak in common. We say that our girls are best friends in Heaven :')

  6. Elizabeth says:

    My best girl and I both have Angel Babies. While it breaks my heart, I am greatful to have her, to have someone so close to me who understands. I wish this wasn’t the case, for either of us, but it is what it is, and I think my husband and I would be lost with her (and her husband).

  7. you never cease to amaze me, Heidi. What a fantastic idea 🙂

  8. The ties that bind: between a mom and her baby, between the people who understand… Love these!

  9. scarlett says:

    Love! What a blessing Stillbirthday is……bent not broken.

  10. One for my daughter in law one for my son what a great way to remember their little Bentley angel baby

  11. Nancy Coleson says:

    I’d like one.

  12. OOOH this sounds SOOOO AMAZING!!!

    Moms deserve to have this support!!!

    And, sign me up for one of those bracelets too!

  13. The bracelets are beautiful. It would be an honor to wear one.
    I am happy to learn of this additional training!

  14. Desiree Perkins says:

    This is gorgeous. I would love one!

  15. This is amazing! You are amazing!!! I want one for me and one to give to another deserving mama. 🙂

  16. So beautiful… Would be proud to wear one!

  17. Evelyn Schwenke says:

    Yes! Would love this wonderful bracelet! 🙂

  18. Kandi McClendon says:

    I want one!!!!!! It would be a great way to honor our angel Anna Marie Jewels!!!!!!!!

  19. cassie vogel says:

    I would love one of these if there atill available to honor my ben and emma

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The SBD® Doula provides support to families experiencing birth in any trimester and in any outcome.

Here at, you can learn about the SBD® Doula.