Julia Schetky, SBD

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Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula® serving Portland Oregon

email: JuliaIrene.SBD@stillbirthday.info

Certified in Psychological First Aid


juliaMy journey towards becoming a SBD Doula is rooted in personal loss.  I have two little ones waiting for me on the other side, and I often think of them.  Though both were early pregnancy losses, each brought me heartache and sadness.  My saving grace were the people that surrounded me and held the space for my grief.  After my second loss, during a 3 year journey of infertility, my lovely rainbow baby made his way into my life.
He is the reason I started doula work.  I started with birth doula work in 2013, and moved into specializing in highly complex medical birth cases.  During that time, a friend contact me to let me know she was going through a loss.   I dropped everything to go support her during her birth.  It was at that time that I knew what I didn’t know.  I wanted to be able to give any client informational, emotional, physical and psycho-spiritual support, so my journey at StillBirthDay was embarked upon.


I can walk alongside any mother, birthing at any trimester.
I can be a guide along a journey that is unique to each family.
I can hold hands with grieving families, and give a listening ear.
I can guard their space and surround them with love.
I can cry with the broken hearted, and rejoice in future joy.
I am proud to be called a StillBirthday Doula.




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The SBD® Doula provides support to families experiencing birth in any trimester and in any outcome.

Here at stillbirthday.info, you can learn about the SBD® Doula.