We’re bringing Love Wildly to Pittsburgh!
{ The When }
Friday, November 6
- {check in / arrive 3pm}
- Love Wildly Registration table opens at 5:30pm {receive Welcome Packet}
- Men’s event: 7pm – 8:30pm
Saturday, November 7
- Love Wildly morning check-in / gather at 7:30am
- Ladies breakfast begins at 8am
- First ladies session starts 8:45am
- Break 10am-10:15am
- Session transitions into lunch time
- PIZZA PARTY! All Love Wildly moms and family invited {12:30pm – 1:30pm}
- Afternoon session 1:45pm – 3:30pm
- prep break 3:30pm – 4:45pm
- conclusion, depart for your own dinner, and release to Love Wildly
{ The Where }
Hilton Garden Inn, Cranberry PA 2000 Garden View Lane | Cranberry Township Pennsylvania 16066
- You can visit their website and choose if you’ll like to reserve one night or two. If reserving Friday night only, you can easily check out at their designated time on Saturday and still be able to participate in all of the Love Wildly events, and the same is true if you’ll prefer to check in only on Saturday.
- You can utilize our facebook event page if you’ll like to partner up to arrange carpooling or room sharing.
- Pittsburgh International Airport also has a maps page with airport and baggage claim info
{ The Who }
Love Wildly Pittsburgh will be led by Heidi Faith of stillbirthday and is hosted by The Promise – Pittsburgh’s Perinatal Palliative Care Initiative. Follow The Promise on facebook or visit their website to learn more of the precious ways they come alongside families to offer tangible love.
{ The What }
Love Wildly is a global paradigm movement established by stillbirthday to reach firstly mothers as well as spouses, siblings, and others in our trust circles, of all cultures, continents and circumstances to reinforce the truth that grief is messy but the griefholder is beautiful, that the chasm is dark but the worn heart of the bereaved holds light, life and love. To Love Wildly is to believe that you are precious, valuable, and treasured even against all accusations, attacks, betrayals and condemnation that – even self-inflicted – seem to thrust you into the imprisonment of the engulfing shadows of guilt, doubt, and shame. To dare to believe that you are worthy of love, even when such belief seems the most ridiculous or radical. To speak love upon your soul even when it doesn’t make sense.
Stay tuned here for more updates!
{ Thank you to our Fundraising Supporters! }
Because of the generous support of the following organizations, the first 20 completed registrations are only $50! This is a HUGE savings for a weekend of transformation and love!
- Highmark Caring Place
- North Way Christian Community
- Embrace Life Ministries
- Women’s Choice Network
- The Promise
{ The Registered }
- Heather K – $25
- Karen T – fully registered!
- Crystal N – fully registered!
- Crystal N: Stephanie C – fully registered!
- Stephanie N, Hope through Birth – fully registered!
- Alicia W – fully registered!
- Paige G, Daisy Doula Birth Services – fully registered!
- Skye D – fully registered!
- Missy R – fully registered!
- Lauren M – fully registered!
- Lauretta C – fully registered!
- Lauren Mc – fully registered!
- Nadine – fully registered!
- Kelsey L – fully registered!
- Alyssa Mc. – fully registered!
- Kelsey L friend – fully registered!
There are no refunds for partial or complete payments, as funding is immediately applied toward event related expenses.
November 6 & 7, 2015
i have been waiting for this registration! so excited for experience this.
Is there a registration or fee for spouses?
I am so delighted you’re attending!!! And yep, spouses registration is included.
Thanks Heidi. I cant wait to meet you in November!!
I’m excited and considering registering! We lost our preemie baby when he was 5 weeks old. I was wondering is this exclusively for still births or can those who lost young infants come, too?
Rachel, I am so sorry for the death of your son. It will be such an honor to meet you at Love Wildly. There is no exclusivity and you are lovingly invited.