Birth at 20-30 Weeks Gestation

Please know this is an approximate timeframe.

The following is support when baby is expected to be born alive.


The following is support when baby will not be born alive.  


You might also visit the D&C/D&E birth or the older gestation birth pages for more information.


Here is a culmination of links to offer support on this difficult journey.


Building Your Team

During Birth/Welcoming


Long Term Healing


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Birth & Bereavement | Multiples

The following is support when one or more multiples will not be born alive.

Here is a culmination of links to offer support on this difficult journey.


Multiples Pregnancy

Multiples Loss


Multiples Birth Plans

Multiples, when one or all babies have died

When one baby (or more)  has died, but one (or more)  is expected to live



Building Your Team

During Birth/Welcoming


Long Term Healing

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Birth & Bereavement | 30+ weeks

Here is a culmination of links to offer support on this difficult journey.


Home Still Birth

Vaginal Birth

Cesarean Birth

Building Your Team

During Birth/Welcoming


Long Term Healing

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About this photo:

My beautiful friend Franchesca designed this as a logo to represent the realities of giving birth at home.  This is a purple birth ball, which resembles our purple zero candle here at stillbirthday.  Atop the birth ball is a rebozo, or long scarf, often used by doulas and midwives in assisting in comfort and support during birth.  This particular rebozo is colored in pink and blue – the pregnancy and infant loss awareness ribbon.  If you are a mother who has given birth at home, you are invited to use this logo to represent your experience.

This photo shows a complex dichotomy of demographics- because planned homebirth which becomes the unexpected death of the baby can bring with it complicated feelings and pressures of judgment, because even while increasing is still considered an unconventional birth plan.

Yet, this image also represents the reality that planned homebirth may still be a very valid option when it is discovered that your baby is not alive; a planned home stillbirth, in compliance with your local laws and supervised support, can be a particularly healing and deeply valuable experience.

Both demographics are honored here at stillbirthday.  Every birth is unique and every family has the right to their inherent integrity and support.

In every situation, there are options for the family to choose from.  It is our hope at stillbirthday that you choose the options that are safest for you and bring you the most healing.


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Laparoscopic Birth

Early Pregnancy Medically Assisted Birth: D&C, D&E

Early Pregnancy Home Birth

Here is a culmination of links to offer support on this difficult journey.


Building Your Team

During Birth/Welcoming


Long Term Healing

About this photo:

My beautiful friend Franchesca designed this as a logo to represent the realities of giving birth at home.  This is a purple birth ball, which resembles our purple zero candle here at stillbirthday.  Atop the birth ball is a rebozo, or long scarf, often used by doulas and midwives in assisting in comfort and support during birth.  This particular rebozo is colored in pink and blue – the pregnancy and infant loss awareness ribbon.  If you are a mother who has given birth at home, you are invited to use this logo to represent your experience.


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The SBD Vow

The SBD Doula® follows an intensive Principles of Service.

As a certified stillbirthday (SBD) doula, the person who bears the SBD credential aligns with supporting birth diversity, serving families through an unsurpassed skill set in any circumstance and by providing a comprehensive navigating support along any perinatal journey, that has become the familiar mark of the SBD credential.

As you learn about your SBD doula, or professional care team partner who bears the SBD credential, you can see why this website is accessible through two avenues: and
As an SBD Doula®I vow to serve you. (1)

“Rainbow” / Subsequent Birth

featured photo: Pebbles & Polkadots Photography




 With simple pieces of colored cheese cloth, from a shop like etsy, you can create an image similar to this beautiful photo.
You can click the photo for its facebook source.

Here is a culmination of links to offer support on this wonderful, but possibly scary journey.

Learning about Your Previous Loss

Learning about This Pregnancy

Listen in on a radio show with Heidi Faith (stillbirthday founder),
Franchesca Cox (Still Standing magazine, Celebrating Pregnancy Again)
with radio show host Gena Kirby (founder of Progressive Parenting):


Learning about This Birth

Building Your Team

During Birth/Welcoming


Long Term Healing


Get our Rainbow Milk Teether Necklace – a stillbirthday exclusive!

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The SBD® Doula provides support to families experiencing birth in any trimester and in any outcome.

Here at, you can learn about the SBD® Doula.