Infant Shrouds




Kinkara creates custom infant burial shrouds exclusively for our SBD Chaplains to purchase.


Rainbow Milk Burp {and Cry} Cloths


We Know Sew provides very affordable rainbow patterned burp cloths.  For mothers pregnant with subsequent “rainbow” babies, being a part of our Rainbow Milk campaign is a wonderful opportunity.  We take photos of ourselves nursing or snuggling with our “rainbow” babies, either with our Rainbow Milk teething necklaces or with our Rainbow Burp Cloths.  These are a small enough treasure to keep for many years to come – and soft enough to cry into during those moments when we simply need to cry.  Parenting after loss can have heightened joys – and magnified sorrows.  All experiences, and all feelings, are part of our journey, and part of how we parent, and part of how we heal.

Please visit our additional post-loss lactation resources.






Miscarriage Blankets and More provides baby blankets and hats for babies born in any trimester.  This precious baby mannequin is Miriam, who joins me during workshops.  She was hand crafted by My Tangible Peace.

Love Steps Forward

The SBD® Doula provides support to families experiencing birth in any trimester and in any outcome.

Here at, you can learn about the SBD® Doula.