First Trimester Birth Announcement


The Rainbow of Grief

Grief is not always ash gray or even midnight blue.

In the bereavement community, there is often talk about “rainbow babies” – babies born subsequently to loss.  And so much hoping and pining away for that future baby can become so pervasive and consuming that when the baby is born, there can be a moments dawning of

“I have been hoping for a person.  This person.  Not a feeling that this person would give me.”

And the weeks of sleep deprivation and dangerous levels of exhaustion are sprinkled with the comments from others reflecting the mother’s now too-far distant wishes of “at least you have your rainbow baby now.”

I want to propose something entirely radical to you today.

You are already a rainbow.

The vibrancy and beauty of the rainbow happens because each of the colors are experienced in their fullness and richness, without unnecessary intrusion from the other colors.  Their stark differences somehow seem to come together to bring a collective harmony, an orchestration of different octaves and hues that rings pleasing.

If you are new to your grief journey, the platitudes from others can seem an attempt to dump orange onto your blue, and you desperately push these attempts away with a cry “I don’t even want this blue at all, but your orange smeared into it is only making things messier, and uglier.”

Somehow, something deep in the rainbow of your very soul knows that somehow, for a time, blue is where you are needed to be.  For your own best healing and even dare I say, your own future happiness.

Then later, when you find yourself on a warm day, when the sun kisses your cheeks and the sweet wind chime of laughter is heard moving from your heart, somehow, you find you’ve moved into some kind of a beautifully light yellow of joy.

And the lies lurk as shadows.  “Maybe I am too happy.  Do I deserve to smile again?” And we try to dump the darkest of gray onto our softest yellow day.

And so, day by day, our lives look like a soggy empty place malformed by smooshy mud and weakened snow, a place that we cannot get a grip on because the smudging and smearing have gone on so far and so wide that we fear taking a step anymore for falling flat upon our faces in an ugly, distorted mess.  Again.

I want to encourage you today, to celebrate your rainbow of grief – your rainbow of healing.  Whatever color your day, your moment may be, it is yours.  It is valuable intrinsically; it doesn’t need to be dumped on or added to or stuffed into something else.

It is intrinsically valuable.  As are you.


This is one of my most favorite photos from our workshops, as we find courage and celebration in our colors and in our selves.  I so hope you consider being a part of Love Wildly, our upcoming retreat in December 2014.  It is going to be a gorgeous time of sharing, loving and healing, for all of us.


Casting Off the Shell


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Heidi’s Pieces

Here is my example of our Still Parenting diary section.

I already have pieces of my story collected at stillbirthday, but not yet gathered in one place.

I haven’t yet written my Love Letter to My Body – but, I know I need to.

Here is one of my favorite songs right now:

Here is my favorite photo right now:



Still Parenting

Still Parenting is a journal space based on the message,

Grief is the way I parent.

Perhaps beginning with our baby’s birth story, we have a place at stillbirthday where we can continue to expand, to journal, to share, and to grow.

We are, in fact, still parenting.

In Still Parenting, we can share the ongoing, more long-term challenges and joys we discover in our journey of healing and living after loss – what it’s like to parent surviving and subsequent children, for example.  What it’s like to be the parent to a child who isn’t alive, for example.  What it’s like to parent children we’ve only held in our dreams, including fertility struggles, for example.  This can be as simple as one article you share, or it can be a whole collection of your journaling pieces.


At Still Parenting, we can add in:

  • A stillbirthday link to our baby’s birth story, and links connecting to anything else you’ve shared here at SBD.
  • We have SO MANY ways to get connected through stillbirthday – now they can all be linked together!
  • Links to our favorite support places.
  • Up to 7 photos, including of our family, our remembrance events, or anything else related to our baby.
  • Up to two You Tube videos of your choice.
  • You can visit Heidi Faith’s Still Parenting diary as an example.

Get your Still Parenting journal started today, by using our Share Your Story form.  Just make a note that you are either starting yours or building on to it.  You can also update yours at any time through the form or by commenting under your journal what you’d like me to add into it.

Want a few more cool ideas you can do with your Still Parenting diary space?

  • Check out our Mentoring activities – you can spend some time working on these at your own pace.
  • The Invisible Pregnancy offers 40+ challenges and activities to engage you on your grief journey.


The SBD® Doula provides support to families experiencing birth in any trimester and in any outcome.

Here at, you can learn about the SBD® Doula.