Heidi Faith

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Thank you, for visiting stillbirthday.

I am so very sorry for the loss that may have led you here, but I am thankful that you are here.

I’ve included this page because often those looking for a page like this, are looking to put a face, a person, behind the resources and support they have found.  I understand the importance of that and I want to honor that, but truly, I want to say this truth to you, slowly, so you hear it deeply:

We’re all in this together.

If you know of a support resource, if you want to create one, if you want to let people know about who you are and what your story is, I want to support you in doing that.  True, I created stillbirthday, but the vision for it is not only deeply personal, intimate and closely special, the vision for stillbirthday is to spread our paradigm globally of truly understanding the importance and sacredness of the places where birth and bereavement meet.  You are a part of this international community, and in whatever role you serve, you are intrinsically worthy.  You are part of community.  May we grow, together.

My name is Heidi Faith, I am a bereaved mother, and the founder of stillbirthday.

You can learn about my professional work and background at the SBD executive team page, and you can see my personal journey at Heidi’s Pieces.

On the 10th of every month you can have a video chat (“stillbirthday party”) with me in our Stillbirthday Google community.

I am available for speaking engagements, including workshops for Mothers, professionals, and your general community.

If you are already on Facebook, you can find my page at Heidi Faith on Facebook.

It is my hope that you discover even a flicker of light here at stillbirthday, as you find your own unique journey.

Whatever your path may look like, we are all, in this together.

You are not alone.


May you find continued healing.

With love,

Heidi Faith



To walk yet a little more deeply…


This is me, Heidi Faith.  Coming out from behind this website, to speak about the things on my heart.When I was a little girl, when my favorite things were grilled cheese sandwiches and freshly sharpened crayons, someone in my own family had sex with me.

I know, offensive to read that, right?

Then he pointed a gun at my face. He told me that he would pull the trigger, but that he didn’t want to waste the bullet.

And my mother?

At one point in her life, she was a drug addict. And a prostitute.


Two years before I was born, my mother gave birth to a little girl.

She named her Heather Rose.

She was stillborn. I don’t know why.

I know malice. I know division.

I know the depths of evil of a person’s heart.

It is in my own family.

My father, he died, a few years ago, after suffering with cancer for years.

Did he cry out in shame?

Did he cry out for forgiveness?

Has my mother? Will my mother?

Did he cry out for mercy?

It is my cry, that he did. It is my cry, that he not only felt the love of my real Father, his Father, that is, God,

but that, he felt me forgive him too.

God knows our hearts.

He sees our terrible fears, He sees our darkest discrimination.

Amazingly, He also sees our worth.

When I say that I depend on Jesus Christ to guide my thoughts and actions, it doesn’t mean I always get it right.

I was raised in the system, transferring to different foster homes, being raised by strangers.

I have met, many people in my lifetime.

And none of us always have it right.

But I can promise you, that Jesus welcomes anybody – ANYBODY – who simply and humbly cries out to Him.

And I can promise you, that anyone who is crying, is welcome here, too. Always. Whether you believe Jesus, whether you believe me. No matter what.

How else? How else can I possibly show to you what has been given to me? I have been given hope. I have been given restoration. I have been given a promise of life. That, is my rainbow, through my storm.


The SBD® Doula provides support to families experiencing birth in any trimester and in any outcome.

Here at stillbirthday.info, you can learn about the SBD® Doula.