Lead Invitation & Welcome

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The Application

The Invitation

POS / Guidelines for Student Leads


The role of Student Lead is such a valuable role. It is the only role that has such a regular, daily impact on the shaping and support of the doulas training in the session. It is a role that stillbirthday has come to rely on.

To be the best Student Lead you can be, here are a few points that you’ll agree to.

___ It is highly probable that one or more students in the current session will have questions regarding their or others’ pregnancy, birth, or bereavement. You may find questions such as “Is this normal? Can I expect this? Should this be happening?” We often simply don’t have enough information to make certain assessments of such questions and it is almost always best, even when offering an idea, thought or suggestion, to refer back to the obstetrical team involved. It is something you’ll remember being covered in chapter eight with doulas being presented with questions online, and is something you may experience that much more when you serve in more than one role, such as Student Lead.

___Just as it is highly probable that one or more students in the session will have questions regarding specific aspects of birth and bereavement, it too is possible that one or more of the students will become pregnant or will be pregnant during any time of the duration of the course, and will meet a point in the training where the desire or need to step back is real.  Once a person becomes enrolled in the doula training program, he or she can complete the training at their own pace, even if that means a lapse past the timeframe of the session itself.  The session is designed for their benefit.  I can simply accept their exam responses and materials as they present them to me.  The facebook group will remain accessible to everyone who was added into it as a student.  If though, he or she sees the benefit of the group engagement on a theme and pattern, which is what the group is designed for, then there is a small re-enrollment tuition if the student wishes to just start fresh with another session.  These are choices the student can choose from.

___It is highly probable that one or more students in the current session will have questions regarding the training that are already outlined in the course. Things such as “Where do I see grades?” I cannot answer every duplicate question and so some of these sorts of questions might be posted in the group or the students might direct these questions to you. You are aware by becoming a Student Lead that you may be presented with duplicate questions, and that you will need patience, kindness and a compassionate perspective to serve in this role well.

___Just as anger or sadness may be an element for any bereaved family we serve as doulas, in this line it is also possible that a student will encounter these feelings at any time during the class session.  He or she may become exceedingly pessimistic about the training subjects or will share deep anguish about experiences he or she is challenged with outside of the training.  An example might be to say negative things about another organization or about their loved ones.  As Student Lead you may witness such conversations before I do.  I ask that you address the conversation with affirmation to what the person is experiencing, and then move the conversation into real options to provide real results.  I am available as a resource for you to invite the student into private conversation with as well.

___If you have permission from the Student Advisory Team Lead, you can start a facebook group for the class.  It should be entitled “Stillbirthday University ___ Class”.  The name of the class is the start month of the session, not the end, because even with the final 3 reports, the time in which the student graduates can be months after the session, and I don’t want them to feel there is an expiration date or like they didn’t graduate on time.  You will need to add me as an admin of the group.

___The session becomes a safe place for the class to share, and this includes feelings, experiences and photos.  You are not allowed to copy or use in any way any content you discover through the duration of your role as Student Lead.  If it is determined that you have, your SBD credential will be revoked.

___Please do not give exam answers away.  You can give clues, allusive suggestions or hints.

___Please read the entirety of the application and invitation documents.  You need to fully read them and fully understand them.

___Student Leads help to keep the conversations in the group active and responded to.  A tool given to you is the Group Discussions for weekly discussion suggestions.  These are available to every student in their “Notes on Chapter __” document, and these group discussions are also presented collectively for the entire course here.  You can simply start a new conversation with each topic to invite the class to engage.  Group Discussion

___Student Leads are an intrinsically important role.  You should not monopolize the role by presenting yourself as an official spokesperson for stillbirthday or by invoking or soliciting conversations in which to assert yourself to a rank for which the Student Lead is not intended.  If you are presented with a question that you do not know, you can always fall back on “Let’s find out together.”  While I am always working on exams, I am also always available to you as a resource.  Please know that you can utilize me as a resource.  Send me a private message any time you need to.  Please also utilize the wisdom and mentorship of the elder Leads of the session, including the overseeing Student Advisory Team Lead.

___The role of Student Lead requires interpersonal maturity.  But becoming a Student Lead does not necessarily beget interpersonal maturity.  If an individual becomes a Student Lead who is not self aware of their need to continue to mature socially and emotionally, then he or she might provoke or further perpetuate a lack of resolution to student questions that could have been resolved more quickly, thoroughly and amicably.   A Student Lead is not a licensed instructor but is instead a fellow peer, a volunteer student aide.

___The role of Student Lead requires interpersonal boundaries.  Students arrive with a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and educational as well as emotional needs.  The student who mistakenly believes that by enrolling, he or she is purchasing the friendship of Heidi Faith may become unpleasantly surprised, and may follow with an unnecessarily high volume of questions, emails, private messages and can direct their frustration and disappointment to the Student Lead.  Student Leads need to speak to doula students with respect and validation, while also setting boundaries for personal care.  This is arguably the most difficult part of being a Student Lead – discovering and responding to the heightened needs of peers who are longing for love.  You can reach out to Heidi Faith or to the Student Advisory Team Lead for mentorship or debriefing at any time in the session.

___The Student Lead may or may not already, or later, serve in the role of Diversity Specialist, Speaker Team Member., State Representative, Chaplain or other SBD designated role.


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The SBD® Doula provides support to families experiencing birth in any trimester and in any outcome.

Here at stillbirthday.info, you can learn about the SBD® Doula.