Photo 8 Week Gestation Baby

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8 weeks

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“You can barely tell but you can see the body structure. My baby is always in my heart. And in heaven with God.”

However you treated the least of my brothers or sisters, you treated me,” says the Lord.

Matthew 25:40 

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  1. Thank you for this, I know it is hard for us mothers to see what our children looked like when they departed us so young but I needed this today as this is the 3 year anniversary of finding out that my 8 week old fetus had passed away

  2. Laura Weinberg says:

    Thank you for posting these photos, even if they are somewhat difficult (sad) to see. At the same time, I would like to share that the tiny little, seemingly formless baby looks so much more “3 dimensional” while still in the placenta — I had the amazing experience of delivering our baby without him or her leaving his little universe of waters, and as long as he was there I was able to notice very easily the little arms, little legs, and special little face. May God bless each tiny “rosebud baby”.

  3. I am glad my Riley could help you Katrina. I’m so sorry for your loss.
    Laura – I love that phrase, “rosebud baby”. Beautiful.

  4. I lost my Jaemi at about 8 weeks (was implanted in my right fallopian tube) I never even thought to see if there were real baby pictures out there to see how big she or he was. But then it took so long for them to find where Jaemi had implanted that perhaps my baby wasn’t that big anyway. Thank you for posting these pictures.
    I have photos of each of my living children at birth clinging to their daddy and my wedding rings and yesterday as I was thinking about Jaemi (would have just turned 2 this month) I wondered what it would be like to have a picture of Jaemi and our rings next to his or her body. Now I can picture it, thank you.

  5. This is one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever seen. What a beautiful little soul. It’s lovely to always remember the little soul and celebrate the birthday, may they always live on in heaven, little innocent sweetheart xxxx

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