We Do Remember You

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Review and Giveaway!

“We Do Remember You” is a children’s book, written by Steve Butler, who is a chaplain at Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care, an Associate Chaplain through the Association of Professional Chaplains, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, as well as a stillbirthday mentor – but most importantly, Steve is Jamie and Alexandra’s grandfather.

“We Do Remember You” is a Mom’s Choice Awards winner, and serves to elaborate on “A Letter From Heaven“, also written by Steve Butler.

In “We Do Remember You”, Steve takes us through the beauty and perfection of Heaven, what it might be like for the children who live there, and the similarities between Heaven and the beautiful places we create here on earth to help us remember those babies in Heaven.

This is a precious children’s book, designed to help generate ideas for parents to help our living children learn about their deceased siblings, discover healthy traditions and rituals to honor them, and to learn what Heaven is like.

In the most gentle way, this book even addresses babies who die who had not felt loved or wanted on earth, and how they too, enter Heaven, and receive the same unconditional love as anyone else.

From wind chimes to gardens to prayers, this book goes through several opportunities to help inspire parents to create healthy traditions and memories as they teach their living children about their siblings who are already in Heaven.

At the close of this book, there are resource listings of popular pregnancy and infant loss support websites (prior to the creation of stillbirthday, I might mention, so we’re not listed there), as well as special prayers and poems to remember our babies.


In honor of the close of our first year, we are offering this book as a giveaway to you.

My precious baby in Heaven, no matter how I have been blessed, distracted, overwhelmed, or marvelled at where stillbirthday has led me, my family, and all those who have been a part of this work, I don’t forget.  We don’t forget.  “We Do Remember You.”

To be entered in this giveaway, simply respond by linking one of your most favorite remembrance songs that has helped you in your grief.  A random person will be selected to win an autographed copy of  “We Do Remember You”.  The winner will be announced here on October 1.

You can use our list of rembrance songs to help you choose.


This giveaway is now closed.  The winner is Gabriella & Adair’s Mommy.  Please contact me (heidi.faith@stillbirthday.info) so I can mail your book to you.

I love all of the songs shared, and thank you each of you for participating, and, here is an amazingly generous note from Steve:

In honor of October 15th, I’ve been given a donation that enables me to offer 30 copies of We Do Remember You for free to anyone who would like one. This offer is available through the remainder of the month of October.  Contact me at http://www.alexandrasrose.net/contact

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  1. Gabriella & Adair's Mommy says:

    A song that helped me was “I Still Believe” by Jeremey Camp. A wise 12-yr old thought I should hear it after my second miscarriage was nearly my undoing. He was correct.

  2. JoAnna Gavlik says:

    We sang “Blessed Assurance” at Laura’s funeral so I’ll always think of her when I hear that song.

  3. “Falling Slowly” by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova (from the movie “Once”) always makes me think of my babies in heaven. <3

  4. Sebastian's Mom says:

    The song “I knew I loved you before I met you” was a favorite of mine that took on a totally new meaning the first time I heard it after my son died prior to being born.

  5. “Fly” by Celine Dion…I could swear it was written for my Angel Emily, but Celine wrote it for her niece who had passed away as a child. It’s very beautiful.

  6. Tina Meeker says:

    I don’t have one particular song that helped me through those days. I had and still have my Faith in Jesus. HE is all that I needed then and will ever need. I had two boys when our daughter went to Heaven and now I have another son. He now asks about his sister in Heaven. We have always told them that while she is in Heaven she lives in our hearts.

  7. I listed to I heard the Bells on Christmas Day, the casting crowns version during my miscarriage. It is the song that got me through.

  8. “You Are Love” by Rend Collective Experiment

  9. michelle antonyshyn says:

    “Held” by Natalie Grant is the song that God has used to help me the most….I am held by the same arms that hold my sweet baby Casen.

  10. Godspeed by The Dixie Chicks <3

  11. Nicole De Leon says:

    One song that has been so important to my husband and I is “I will carry you” by Selah. Written by the lead singer and his wife, Todd and Angie Smith, it gives us a reminder that our child will always be with us even if they are not here. That all the things we wanted for them and with them are magnified in heaven because they are with Jesus.


  12. Homesick by Mercy Me

  13. Steve Butler says:

    Just a brief correction: the url is http://www.alexandrasrose.net/contact
    Thanks all. Steve

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