The Ways Our Babies Bless Us

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Told by: Carissa

My due date was scheduled for November 30, but my specialist ended up wanting me to deliver at 37 weeks because of the previous stillbirth with having no cause to that they wanted to get him here.  So to deliver early they wanted to perform an amniocentesis to make sure his lungs were matured enough before induction.


On Monday morning the 11th I went in to have the amnio done and I was to wait for results; if they came back positive I was being induced. So they performed the amnio and it was a fail; they could not get a sample and after 3 tries they stopped.  My fluid was low and Little Bit moved a lot.  So the doctor said it’s fine let’s just go ahead plus he had noticed my fluid being low he didn’t want to send me home like that anyway.
Induction started; I went in with an all natural birth plan , just pain meds I didn’t want an epidural. Due to my previous birth during the stillbirth I received an epidural and did not like the after affects I suffered, spinal headaches and ended up back at the hospital, no fun. So this round I didn’t want that.
So Tuesday came and contractions built up more, at 5 1/2 almost 6 cm dialated, I ended up giving in and received the epidural in tears at that moment because I failed my plan but realized he was coming and I just want to relax at this point.
After getting the epidural, contractions rising more I realized I felt the same before the epidural , I was feeling my contractions and the epidural was not working.
Lying there hurting and the thought that I gave into somthing I really didn’t want and it wasnt working.

At this point I’m angry upset crying because of that.
While all of this is going on Little One’s heart beat was irregular, so we were already watching that and my nerves were on edge, so bad I had to be put on oxygen to calm down and get the baby more oxygen.
The more I contracted and dilated his heart rate dropped then jumped up.  At this point we have all the residents and specialists glued to the monitors to see if an emergency c section needed to happen. (mind you we weren’t at out local hospital, I was scheduled at another hospital so my baby and I would be near specialists).
After the wait, they rushed in and said we were going to go ahead and do it. I think I immediately went into a silent panic and at that point said I didn’t come this far to leave the hospital without a baby this time I was willing to give him my last breath if that is what it took.
It all happen so fast from my room to the OR.

Our sweet miracle rainbow baby was born Tuesday 11-12-13 at 11:50a perfectly healthy and a perfect regular heart beat at 6lbs and 6.2 ounces .
I said I would do it all over again and I would and I will.



My husband and I are so thankful for what God has restored in our life. Our first born, ended in a tragedy but also allowed us to see joy and thankful for a sweet living angel in heaven to look down on his little brother and protect him. Our first born has brought our family closer and stronger and allowed us to be better and great parents before we were given the gift of his little brother, our rainbow baby Jayden Samuel Hunter.
After our loss last year this same time, I continued to pray the prayer of Hannah in the bible who couldn’t conceive children, but one day cried at the well and asked God to bless her with a son and that his life would be given back totally committed to the works of God and that son was Samuel the king the prophet.
That was special and that’s why we named our rainbow baby Jayden Samuel Hunter. Our king! Our God given prayer. He restores, and is miraculous in the most wonderful ways we can’t even fathom at times.


I love love love our family and wanted someone to know that even in a storm or loss comes great joy and happiness at the end. Hold on and don’t stop believing , it is possible I promise! Our family is living example if it ,my son Jayden is a living example, a beautiful rainbow from all of the storms we faced. Our treasure, our gift.






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  1. I was blessed with two beautiful healthy girls and my husband and I said we were done. I had a chemical pregnancy in May 2010. A couple years later I realized how much I missed my #3. Our son was born 11/12/13 at 11:49a and is the most incredible blessing! Congratulations on your baby!

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