Archives for February 2014

El Momento mas Importante

Told by: Maria

” A la noche nos toco contarle a mi familia, todos lloraron de emoción y alegria, mi papa P, mi mama Mm, y mi hermana menor Hm, mi Abuela B, fue un momento de mucha felicidad, era el momento mas importante de mi vida luego del casamiento.”

An excerpt from my journal on the day I discovered I was pregnant:

“That night we planned to tell my family.  They all cried with excitement and joy, my papa P , my mom Mm, and my younger sister Hm, my Grandma B.  It was a moment of great happiness.  It was the most important moment of my life after marriage.”


Hi, I am from Latin America.  I am going through trofoblastic disease/molar pregnancy chemotherapy and would like to connect with women who are in the same situation as me. Right now I finished my first week of mtx & levocarin (vitamin). I am feeling quite well, except from some nausea and weakness.




Our First was Gracie

Told by: Heather

I am a mother to three children who all are gone to miscarriage.

Our first was Gracie, she was 14 weeks gestation, here is her story…

My husband and I had just had our first little Girl Sophie Leeann.  She was about 2 months old when we found out we were pregnant again. “Ohh boy” is what I thought. We could barely afford Sophie and now were going to add another little life into this mess.  Well, a few weeks after going to the doctor and finding out the news of the pregnancy I began to get excited because we figured her due date and it was a few days before Sophie’s birthday! Oh my what a surprise! What an amazing thing it would be to have two children born on the very same day but not be “twins”!

Well I guess then our luck turned for the worse.  About 2.5 months into my pregnancy I still didn’t feel or look pregnant.  I know they say every pregnancy is different but this wasn’t right.  I felt empty.

I called the doctor and he had me come in and said everything was fine to just go home and get some rest, that I was probably just exhausted from just having Sophie.  Well, I did just that.  We called my husband’s Mom and asked her to keep Sophie for a few days while I rested and caught up on the house work.  Well 2 days later I didn’t feel any different. I kept telling my husbands mom that I felt odd, I didn’t feel pregnant, that actually I felt “normal”. I didn’t have any cravings, no sickness, nothing..

My doctor passed if off as just difference in pregnancies.  Well as the days went on I wondered and wondered.  Then one day I woke up to a pain in my stomach.  I immediately freaked out, my husband was a work and I had no clue what to do.  So I called our doctor. He said it was nothing and told me to rest, and that I probably just needed to stay in bed until the next appointment which was one and a half weeks away.  I disagreed and told him I wanted to be seen.  There were no openings at all until my appointment.  A few hours later I began to spot.  Once again I called my doctor, asked (frantically) what I should do, and he told me to lie down and take it easy.  It seems that is what he always told me, never a care in the world; it makes me mad now to know that there was something wrong and no one helped me.

Anyway, I didn’t lay down, I went to the ER.

After being there 3 hours and not being seen I was coaxed into going home and eating and going to bed, not knowing the next day would be the worst day of my life.

I woke up to Sophie crying wanting her bottle.  Her Daddy got up and got it and brought her into the room to play.  At this point I was told not to do anything strenuous, don’t hold anything over 5lbs, don’t push, pull, or do anything pretty much.  So I couldn’t do anything for her, which tore me apart.  I couldn’t hold my princess; it broke my heart, but I went by the doctors orders and did what I was told.

Later that evening we went to my in-laws to eat supper.  I was feeling bad again and was crampy.  Not too bad but it did make me uneasy; I told neals mom about it and she said I should go to the doctor.  Well, I couldn’t because he was booked. She got me her heating pad and lay me down on her bed until supper.  At the supper table the smell of food made me feel sick.  I went to stand up to go to the living room and sit down and my world literally crashed to the floor.  Blood ran down my legs, and I doubled over in pain.

In that very moment I realized, “she’s dead.”

Neals mom helped me to the bathroom and helped me get my soaked jeans off, sat me on the toilet and called the doctor.  I put one of Sophie diapers on and soaked it in minutes. We rushed to the hospital.  When we got there my husband carried me into the hospital because I couldn’t walk, my legs were like pieces of jello, and they immediately placed us in a room.

My mom and aunt came to support me, and by the end of the night my whole family was in the waiting room. I told my mom to get rid of them, that I didn’t want anyone to see me the way I was and I didn’t want to see anyone at all.  While in the room with my mom and husband I went to the bathroom, and when I stood up there she was, a little pinkish figure, she had tiny little arms and little beginnings of hands and feet she was about the size of a plum.

My mom was in there with me since I was still having trouble walking due to the massive blood loss.  She saw her too, so tiny, so precious.  We called the nurse and she called the doctor in to look at it. He just looked, whispered something to the nurse and FLUSHED HER.

I lost it. I couldn’t contain my anger at this idiot of a doctor.  I screamed at him, telling him I wanted to know what was wrong with her.  He just said it was a spontaneous abortion.. that set me off like a rocket. I know that is a medical term but it was not the thing I wanted to hear, I did not kill my baby!!!! This was a cruel act of nature, and not my fault!! He left, and once again I sat there bewildered at what just happened, crushed, and broken. I lay on that “bed” for 5 hours and bled, they did nothing for me. They did do one ultrasound and said it was all out of me, and that if the doctor released me I could go home.

At almost 4 months gestation you would think it wouldn’t just “be gone” like that, but she was.  The doctor released me and told me not to do anything but get up to go the the bathroom and eat for 3 days or until my bleeding stopped. I left the hospital empty handed, no baby, no nothing. I wonder why they didn’t do any tests to see what was wrong with her, or was it something wrong with me? I will never know for sure. But what I do know is in that instant that I saw her all curled up in the bowl of the toilet, I will never forget it.

Within 8 long grueling hours my world was shook, rocked, and turned completely upside down. After that I cried for days asking, why it was me? Why it was Gracie? What did I do wrong? It took me almost a year to realize it, but it’s because she was too perfect for earth. And I will never be the same, I will always wonder about her and care for and love her.



A Poem

Told by: Matt

My darling little angel, It’s so sad to see you go, But God has a higher plan for you, That much I do now know.

You’re time with us was very brief, It was not meant to be, But you touched my heart so very much, My lovely sweet baby.

Now you’re sleeping up in heaven, With a smile upon your face, But in my heart I’ll keep for you, A very special place.

You’ll never be forgotten, Forever in my mind, A sweeter soul on God’s great earth, No man could ever find.



Heidi Lengel, SBD

Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula® serving Pennsylvania






Discover what the SBD credentialed doula has achieved.

Val Kleppen, SBD

Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula® serving North Dakota





Discover what the SBD credentialed doula has achieved.

Jennifer Wilson, SBD

Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula® serving Edmonton, Alberta Canada



JenniferPicI am 30 years old, married for 3 years, parenting two daughters here on earth, and 2 angel babies in heaven. I am fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with plans to home school my living children. I have been drawn to birth and bereavement support as a result of the traumatic birth and eventual death of my first son, Levi, almost ten years ago. Finding StillBirthDay after miscarrying my second child has been the first steps on a path towards real healing and meaningful support, and has opened doors for my lifes’ journey that I never thought possible. I am looking forward to seeing where my training will take me on this path to supporting families through pregnancy and birth in any trimester.

“A woman’s body is her own sacred temple. Her life’s journey is her canvas, her free will and desire represent a full palate of colour from which she can paint her own destiny…”

Jennifer Wilson, SBD
Solstice Sunrise Birth and Bereavement Support
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada





Discover what the SBD credentialed doula has achieved.

How to Doula in Bereavement

The question is a common one.

“What do I do?” 


Also, in learning, the opportunities for awareness and training here at stillbirthday are vast and growing, including:


But I’d like to just point out here, a few basic principles.  Because if you are supporting a family enduring loss, and doing so for the very first time, anything can seem overwhelming.  Let’s just try to make things as simple and uncomplicated as possible.  Here’s a few things I keep in mind as I support families:

1. }  Forget the Checklist

Yep, the very first thing to remember, is that it’s OK not to remember.  Coming in with the checklist of “OK, I took pictures.  I gave a teddy bear.  Check, check, check, and now it’s time for me to go.”  Even if you don’t ever intend to give off this perception, it is one that many mothers can be keenly sensitive to.  To help remember this:

2. }  Ask permission to open the window.

Whatever situation you enter as a doula, all you are given is a tiny window.  That’s it.  Just a tiny window.  There’s always more to the story.  There’s always an unspoken need.  Your job is not about being a success.  It’s about making a difference.  Even if you believe you are familiar with a tradition, belief or decision the family has made, ask more about it.  If the family says they are of a particular faith, for example, it doesn’t mean that they want platitudes that are assumed to align with that particular faith.

3. }  Validation is always possible.
Answers are optional.

You don’t have to give answers.  Not spiritual answers, not medical answers, not answers at all.  But you can always validate.  In fact, you should always validate.

4. }  Go Slow.  Validate.
Provide Options.  Supplement Resources.

These are the 4 foundational points to everything.  And to help you remember to keep these in mind, there’s 4 simple words to start this off.  “I want to know….”  Ask this question in word and action, allowing the family to be the authors of their journey.  Supplementing Resources is huge.  It means that you don’t have to know everything.  Helping to strengthen the circle around the family – by incorporating people who can be an asset to the family, is substantial.  Even with something as simple as “Tell me 3 people who love you” so that you can contact them on her behalf.  Loved ones can utilize the support resources we’ve compiled especially for them – including how to honor during the Healing Journey.  Utilizing stillbirthday as the resource for you is important, and offering it as a resource to the family is also important.

5. }  There are 5 Seasons.  And, there are 5 Senses.


  • Pregnancy (and everything up until the birth – this can include everything that went into the pregnancy)
  • Birth (yes, this is a season all by itself)
  • The Welcoming
  • The Farewell
  • The Healing Journey

The points above, about going slow, speaks to this.  Don’t shove one season into another.  Birth, then Welcoming.  The Farewell will come.  The aspects specific to the Farewell will have time.  Preparing with training as a doula, preparing with resources as a parent, is important.  But emotionally, being present in the moment, in the season, is important.  Right now, let’s go slow.  One contraction, one breath, one moment at a time.


As a birth doula supporting during loss, it is especially important to be mindful of the senses during the Welcoming, because often if you have not established a relationship with the mom prior to birth, this will be the pivotal time to do this.  With that said, it is substantially valuable to include the 5 senses during every season, as appropriate for the mom.  You’ll see that the earlier seasons impact the later ones.

“Check the Senses” 

Whenever you’re in a panic moment, of “Oh, no, I’m so scared, what do I DO right now?”  Go slow.  Take a look around, and check the senses.

  • Sight – what does mom look like?  What does the birth space look like?  What can we do to create a peaceful, harmonizing, validating, special birth space?  How can you capture the moments of this time, so that as mom enters into the next season, she can see the moments of love offered to her?  How can you mirror back to the mother which season she is in?  How can you reflect honor to the Birth and to the Welcoming?  Can mom see you hold her baby?  Can mom see you cry?  How is dad being included?  Can surviving siblings be included?  Can parents spend time with their baby, really looking at her or him?  In what ways might this be challenged?  In what ways might you support this?  You can use our birth plans for ideas, for birth in any trimester.  What things will the family “see” as in, “perceive”?  Will they see a birth certificate?
  • Sound – what sounds are going on around the mom?  Is she in a hospital?  Emergency room?  At home?  What can you learn about the monitoring or other hospital equipment or policies?  What music can you play?  What words of affirmation can be spoken?  Are there a lot of people in her birth space?  How are they mirroring back to her the validation she deserves?  How can you help ensure this happens?  What terminology is being used to describe what is happening?  How can using honoring words be validating?
  • Touch – baby blankets, baby clothes, that are appropriate to the birth and welcoming experience, including size appropriate.  All items specific to bereavement or the Farewell should wait, including, what will mom hold onto while leaving the hospital?  Our postpartum resources give insight into this.  What about how time and temperature impacts touching the baby?  What are time barriers to spending time with, including touching the baby?  How can you support in these things?
  • Taste – what foods or tastes are pleasing to mom?  Can she have a special meal before labor?  Will there be a decision regarding breastmilk?  You can use our postpartum resources for information on this.  Can mom kiss baby?  All of these things might fit into the taste category.
  • Smell – giving a baby a bath who is not alive, can be anything from slightly different to substantially different from giving a baby a bath who is alive.  Going slow is so important, and it is wise to rather invite the parents to do such special things themselves, although it can be entirely appropriate for you to do it too.  Bathing isn’t about taking off impurities from a baby, it’s about the mom being able to look at her baby within waters, as a climax to bonding in-utero.  It’s about submerging the baby in waters of love, as the mother submerges in waters of healing.  Using a special scent can be very meaningful.  Likewise, spritzing the baby blanket or clothes also can be special.  Oftentimes mothers will seal these items in Ziploc bags, to keep the scent even longer.

Now, what about issues of safety, or special circumstances, or financial or liability questions?  I’d invite you to check out our handbook for a glimpse into these things, and our full online training for the in-depth support into these and so many more aspects of birth & bereavement support.

I really want to reiterate about asking permission.  You can show such great honor to the family by allowing them permission to author their own journey, at a time when so much can feel so enormously stripped away from them.  Even if it seems a trivial thing, ask permission.  This gives ownership.  Empowerment.  Authorship.  Dignity.  If you know that they are making a decision that you believe may complicate their journey later, such as not bonding whatsoever during the Welcoming, you can still go slow, validate, provide options and supplement resources.

“This is a scary time, and no matter what you decide, I’m here for you.  I feel compelled to tell you, that moms who have been here in this impossible time before you, who don’t spend time in the Welcoming, as devastating as this time is, they have even more painful journeys later, past the Farewell, and if they could offer you any encouragement, it would be to spend a little more time in these moments.  I’m here with you.  We’re walking this together…..”

Finally, prepare and pack.

You can learn more about supporting during birth & bereavement by utilizing any of the options mentioned at the beginning of this article.






Liz Fast, SBD

Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula® serving Ontario, Canada





Discover what the SBD credentialed doula has achieved.

Jenna Tuura, SBD

Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula® serving the Twin Cities area of Minnesota





Discover what the SBD credentialed doula has achieved.

Heather Mohr, SBD

Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula® serving St. Louis, Missouri





Discover what the SBD credentialed doula has achieved.

The SBD® Doula provides support to families experiencing birth in any trimester and in any outcome.

Here at, you can learn about the SBD® Doula.