Our First was Gracie

Told by: Heather

I am a mother to three children who all are gone to miscarriage.

Our first was Gracie, she was 14 weeks gestation, here is her story…

My husband and I had just had our first little Girl Sophie Leeann.  She was about 2 months old when we found out we were pregnant again. “Ohh boy” is what I thought. We could barely afford Sophie and now were going to add another little life into this mess.  Well, a few weeks after going to the doctor and finding out the news of the pregnancy I began to get excited because we figured her due date and it was a few days before Sophie’s birthday! Oh my what a surprise! What an amazing thing it would be to have two children born on the very same day but not be “twins”!

Well I guess then our luck turned for the worse.  About 2.5 months into my pregnancy I still didn’t feel or look pregnant.  I know they say every pregnancy is different but this wasn’t right.  I felt empty.

I called the doctor and he had me come in and said everything was fine to just go home and get some rest, that I was probably just exhausted from just having Sophie.  Well, I did just that.  We called my husband’s Mom and asked her to keep Sophie for a few days while I rested and caught up on the house work.  Well 2 days later I didn’t feel any different. I kept telling my husbands mom that I felt odd, I didn’t feel pregnant, that actually I felt “normal”. I didn’t have any cravings, no sickness, nothing..

My doctor passed if off as just difference in pregnancies.  Well as the days went on I wondered and wondered.  Then one day I woke up to a pain in my stomach.  I immediately freaked out, my husband was a work and I had no clue what to do.  So I called our doctor. He said it was nothing and told me to rest, and that I probably just needed to stay in bed until the next appointment which was one and a half weeks away.  I disagreed and told him I wanted to be seen.  There were no openings at all until my appointment.  A few hours later I began to spot.  Once again I called my doctor, asked (frantically) what I should do, and he told me to lie down and take it easy.  It seems that is what he always told me, never a care in the world; it makes me mad now to know that there was something wrong and no one helped me.

Anyway, I didn’t lay down, I went to the ER.

After being there 3 hours and not being seen I was coaxed into going home and eating and going to bed, not knowing the next day would be the worst day of my life.

I woke up to Sophie crying wanting her bottle.  Her Daddy got up and got it and brought her into the room to play.  At this point I was told not to do anything strenuous, don’t hold anything over 5lbs, don’t push, pull, or do anything pretty much.  So I couldn’t do anything for her, which tore me apart.  I couldn’t hold my princess; it broke my heart, but I went by the doctors orders and did what I was told.

Later that evening we went to my in-laws to eat supper.  I was feeling bad again and was crampy.  Not too bad but it did make me uneasy; I told neals mom about it and she said I should go to the doctor.  Well, I couldn’t because he was booked. She got me her heating pad and lay me down on her bed until supper.  At the supper table the smell of food made me feel sick.  I went to stand up to go to the living room and sit down and my world literally crashed to the floor.  Blood ran down my legs, and I doubled over in pain.

In that very moment I realized, “she’s dead.”

Neals mom helped me to the bathroom and helped me get my soaked jeans off, sat me on the toilet and called the doctor.  I put one of Sophie diapers on and soaked it in minutes. We rushed to the hospital.  When we got there my husband carried me into the hospital because I couldn’t walk, my legs were like pieces of jello, and they immediately placed us in a room.

My mom and aunt came to support me, and by the end of the night my whole family was in the waiting room. I told my mom to get rid of them, that I didn’t want anyone to see me the way I was and I didn’t want to see anyone at all.  While in the room with my mom and husband I went to the bathroom, and when I stood up there she was, a little pinkish figure, she had tiny little arms and little beginnings of hands and feet she was about the size of a plum.

My mom was in there with me since I was still having trouble walking due to the massive blood loss.  She saw her too, so tiny, so precious.  We called the nurse and she called the doctor in to look at it. He just looked, whispered something to the nurse and FLUSHED HER.

I lost it. I couldn’t contain my anger at this idiot of a doctor.  I screamed at him, telling him I wanted to know what was wrong with her.  He just said it was a spontaneous abortion.. that set me off like a rocket. I know that is a medical term but it was not the thing I wanted to hear, I did not kill my baby!!!! This was a cruel act of nature, and not my fault!! He left, and once again I sat there bewildered at what just happened, crushed, and broken. I lay on that “bed” for 5 hours and bled, they did nothing for me. They did do one ultrasound and said it was all out of me, and that if the doctor released me I could go home.

At almost 4 months gestation you would think it wouldn’t just “be gone” like that, but she was.  The doctor released me and told me not to do anything but get up to go the the bathroom and eat for 3 days or until my bleeding stopped. I left the hospital empty handed, no baby, no nothing. I wonder why they didn’t do any tests to see what was wrong with her, or was it something wrong with me? I will never know for sure. But what I do know is in that instant that I saw her all curled up in the bowl of the toilet, I will never forget it.

Within 8 long grueling hours my world was shook, rocked, and turned completely upside down. After that I cried for days asking, why it was me? Why it was Gracie? What did I do wrong? It took me almost a year to realize it, but it’s because she was too perfect for earth. And I will never be the same, I will always wonder about her and care for and love her.



Searching for Wholeness

Told by: Nicole

On September 9th, 2012 my life as I knew it changed forever. It was the day I lost a piece of me. The day I lost my beloved baby boy at 18 weeks gestation in what I had never heard if before, but was told was a “missed miscarriage.”

We went to our doctor for our regular 18 weeks checkup. We were so excited to hear that heartbeat we had heard before. We brought our 11 month old son with us this time so we could share this with him too.  The doctor was having a hard time. Harder than the last time we were there.

We were sent for an ultrasound right away. I saw my baby on that screen. My baby’s heart was not beating. I had lost our baby… They tell me it happened about 2 weeks ago. How did I not know? The baby I talked to and loved every day from the moment I knew if their existence was no longer living and I had no idea? What kind of mother was I? How could I lose our baby? They tell me because I’m not 20 weeks gestation, I can’t deliver him. They tell me I have to have surgery to have him delivered and afterwards I’m not allowed to hold him. They tell me when this operation is over I can begin to heal. How can they tell me I can’t hold my baby, but had this happened 2 weeks later I would have had that option? What kind of monsters don’t let a mother hold her baby?

I have the D&C. My baby is gone. I am no longer carrying my baby. I am an empty shell. Days later something is wrong. They tell me the D&C they did wasn’t successful and I need to undergo another it have more of my baby’s former home removed. I am never going to get to move on from this.

I walk through the hospital where my lost baby’s body is being poked at somewhere over and over because get couldn’t do it right the first time as I wait to have to do it all over again. It is now 1 year and a bit later. My baby boy would be almost turning 1 (had it not gone wrong). We have since had our rainbow baby. She was born in August. My children are my life. My children are my being.

I just can’t seem to understand how I get over this? How do I explain I am a mother of 3, 1 that is no longer with me? How do I get myself to the point where I’m not so angry at myself? How do I make myself feel whole again? How do I make myself feel like I did before this? I don’t want to feel so empty. I will never forget my baby. I think of him every minute of the day. I just need to know how to become at peace with all of this.


Our Daughter Harry

Told by: Roberta

My miscarriage story: If I went right to the very start of my story I’d begin where I have a bad ob/gyn history. I had massive fibroids which needed removed by surgery and before the operation I had injections to try to shrink them to a manageable size or I could die.

These injection brought on the menopause at the age of 28 but surgery was a sucess. Two years later on my thirtieth birthday my periods returned which my doctor says shouldn’t have happened but I’d still never conceive. I also met my now husband that week and for what seemed to be a life of misery I was on the up. I got married when I was 32. Five months later after numerous tests and stress I became pregnant.  The hospital told me I wouldn’t make it to 12 weeks because I was to heavily scarred. They were wrong.

When I was 16 weeks I had a respiratory infection but hospital scanned me and there was my little bean bouncing away! The following week I felt my baby move for the first time, it felt like the baby was stretching! I got my strength back and at 19+ 2 went back to work. The next day while having lunch with my colleagues my back was aching but I thought I’d just overdid things so I went home and took some pain relief. That night after putting away shopping I went to the loo and my life changed, there was so much blood and a large clot, I just dropped to the floor and sobbed.

At the emergency obstetric unit the doc confirmed our fears, our bean had lost it’s life and with that I lost mine. The miracle I had fought for and that they told me I’d never conceive I’d lost.

The hospital had no beds for a week so I had to call everyday to explain I’d had a missed miscarriage to be told I couldn’t come in. Nature took over on day 4 and my water broke. After 11 hours I didn’t even realize I was in full labour and when the midwife asked if she could take a look I just felt this strange rush; she put her hand on my knee and said “it’s over, don’t look down!” I didn’t.

After the doctors doing their part and getting me more medication I was asked if I wanted to see my baby; I said yes. This was a massive deal for me, I have a fear of anything dead but I had to see my child. The midwife, Fiona, brought me a little basket the size of my shoe and inside was my tiny baby. Fiona asked if I wanted a picture but I couldn’t, decomposition had already begun. She then told me it was a boy, my son, we named him Harry. She said he was 15+1gestation, but how could that be right, I felt him moving after that time? I asked if I could hold him but I wasn’t allowed because his skin was to thin so I just touched his little blanket and broke my heart into my husbands arms. I asked for a post mortem, I needed to know what happened to the boy I was told I was never to have.

We went home but it was empty, I was empty. My arms should have had my baby in them but instead I had a box with hand and foot prints a blanket and a teddy. A few weeks later I had his name tattooed on my arm and we bought a plaque at the cemetery and had it inscribed Baby Harry Swain born sleeping 4.5.12 Always loved never forgotten. It arrived a week before we received the pm results.

Harry had Edwards syndrome, a genetic condition where the 18th chromosome triples rather than doubles but worse of all, Harry was female. Details of how this mistake was made are too graphic but I understood how it was made. I suffered after that numerous panic attacks, I started drinking just to get some sleep and had thoughts of self harm, I was broken. I didn’t want to part with Harry’s ashes but my husband couldn’t cope with keeping them so we agreed to scatter the ashes in the garden of remembrance on the day our plaque was erected. We had a few family members with us and I remember feeling a release of some of the anger I had, not only towards the loss but the anger, anxiety and hatred I had for myself so rather than a day of mourning, I went to the local shops and bought food and drinks for my family and we had a lovely afternoon of laughter and chatting. It was also the day before my husbands birthday so we partied on into the wee hours. I still was very low at times and still had the odd drink for Dutch courage to get through the day.

But that soon stopped, when I realised I was binging not only on alcohol but pizza and fast food, I was pregnant again, eight months after my baby lost her life on the day I let her go she gave me the ultimate gift. Life. I was terrified, could I face this happening again? That was 10 months ago and now that life Harry gave me is truly a miracle. Her little brother Aaron is 8 weeks old and my purpose for living, and may I say an absolute nightmare with sleeping and feeding patterns, but I’d have it no other way! While Aaron is all I could have asked for my heart still yearns for his sister. It always will. We will never forget her x


His Family of Strong Men

Told by: Stacey

I was thrilled to have made it past the 8 week mark where I had had my 3 miscarriages. Although the thrill and excitement was all too suddenly cut short. At 17 weeks 3 days I woke early in the morning and got out of bed and my waters had gone.  We went straight to the hospital where it was confirmed and I was put on antibiotics and sent home and told to go back if I developed any signs of infection or anything else.

Well I got home and went to bed, that evening I woke with a very high temperature so went back to the hospital and was put on IV antibiotics. That evening they couldn’t find our little angel’s heartbeat, this was confirmed the following morning on ultrasound.

I went into labour naturally and delivered our perfect sweet little angel Ayrton Michael. We spent several hours with him cuddling him, talking to him and taking photos.

The following morning we saw him for the final time before he was taken down to the mortuary to await collection to take to the funeral directors. My dad was one of my heroes through all this, he came down the day after I gave birth and stayed with me and my fiancé in the hospital over night then the following morning he drove the 150 miles back home with Ayrton in the back of the car.

My dad helped us arrange the funeral and everything, I couldn’t think straight to do simple tasks never mind arrange my baby’s funeral. We had a beautiful service at the graveside for Ayrton and he was buried in the same cemetery as some of our family members are.

My fiancé was my rock through all of this and still continues to be, even 16 months after we lost our precious angel I still have bad days.

But now we have our rainbow, my little miracle to keep us going and thinking positive. The pregnancy with Isaac wasn’t easy I was terrified and involved many scared trips to the hospital which all thankfully were false alarms but finally he arrived safely 2 weeks early. I love you so much Ayrton and we’ll never forget you. In loving memory of our precious boy Ayrton Michael born sleeping 12/04/12.

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Brave Gift of God

Told by: Danielle

I was 17 weeks and 3 days, and it was time to find out what we where having.

My husband and I had a 2 year old son. Well I found out the weekend after mothers day 2011. Went into the ultrasound on a Monday, the day after Mothers day, and the ultrasound tech couldn’t find a heartbeat – and my biggest fear came true, that I had lost my baby.

Well the doctor told my husband and I we could deliver normal or have an d & c. Well when we got home I told my husband that I would like to do the delivery not the d & c.

Because I was so upset my husband set up the stuff with the doctor.  Well I had to go into the hospital on a Thursday morning, and had my baby boy Thursday night; it was May 12 2011. We named him Brayden Mattox –  the name means brave gift of God.

I had to stay at the hospital for a night but that was the absolute worst night of my life.

Six weeks after my baby boy got his angel wings I found out I was pregnant again and we had a girl, her name is Athena.

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