Birth & Bereavement Blogs

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If you use a blog to share about your baby(ies), you can add your link here so that other parents can find you.  Stillbirthday does not endorse any particular blog or writer.  If you are visiting another blog, you may encounter perspectives or experiences or expressions of language that may not always be very encouraging or healing.  Please use caution when visiting other blogs.  However, visiting other bloggers can be an excellent way to get to know other grieving families, and confirm even further that you are not alone.

You are also invited to share your story at stillbirthday, so that more families can connect with you.  You’re also invited to take a peek at our crafting resources, which includes tips and ideas related to journaling and blogging.

Just leave a comment below with the URL of your blog, and what it’s emphasis is, and this list will be updated to include yours.

Miscarriage Blogs

Stillbirth Blogs

Infertility Blogs


Difficult Diagnosis/Neonatal Death/Birth Emergencies/Loss after NICU Blogs




General Bereavement/Life after Loss


Elective Abortion Blogs

Share Your Story Share Your Story Become a Doula before during after


  1. My blog shares our story of stillbirth, losing our daughter Harlynn.

  2. I suppose I should do it the right way… and the title of my blog is Mind Mumbles.

    Duh @ Me…

  3. My blog combines our loss with Bentley, bringing Rainbow #1 Chase here safely, Life as a Doula, and Pregnancy with rainbow #2. 🙂

  4. My blog was started when I was pregnant and we found out our son had some possible birth defects. It starts there, goes through updates of our son while he was in the NICU for 26 days, his death, and the grief we now face without him in our lives. Evan is our first born.

  5. My blog is meant to share my own journey as the father of our stillborn daughter Doria. Just felt that there isn’t enough out there from/for guys.

  6. – The story of my stillborn son, James. The title is Airplanes from Heaven.

  7. My husband and my journey of faith, through the fatal diagnosis of our daughter Malia and her eventual stillbirth.

  8. Two years after the birth of our son, we experienced a miscarriage from a blighted ovum, spent the next two years trying to conceive, then lost our daughter 20 weeks into our pregnancy via D&E after a Limb Body Wall Complex diagnosis. I write regularly about our journey on my blog Gifts We Use in a series I call Growing Our Family.

    I would love to be added to the blog roll here as this site has helped me through my process and I will also be sharing my birth story here in the near future.

    Here is the link:

  9. Our son, Nathan, was stillborn at 38 weeks due to a cord accident. I write about the grief process and also our infertility. Nathan was conceived via IVF, which we’ll be starting again this winter.

  10. Our daughter, Violet, was stillborn October 11, 2011. My blog tells the story of Violet’s birth, grief, finding a new normal, experiencing the loss of Violet with an older child, pregnancy after loss, twin pregnancy, and honoring Violet’s memory. I would love to be added to the blog roll.

  11. This blog shares the story of my daughter Stella who was stillborn. I share some of my experiences and in particular making memories.

  12. This blog talks about faith through hardships, including mental illness, the 36-week still birth of our first son, Caleb, and the terminal diagnosis of our third son Samuel (who is now 2.5 years old!) I have shaken my fists at God in anger, sobbed on my knees asking for help, and He is always, always there. I hope I can bring others encouragement through my writing.

  13. I am amazed how many blogs there on still birth. I write a blog to share about my current pregnancy after my still birth at 37 wks 5 days. It is scary sometimes and wonderful other times. The pregnancy is all consuming which is hard because I am the homeschooling mother of three. I would love to have others visit and share there experiences on my blog.


    Mila Nalin is my baby daughter. She was stillborn at 37 weeks in December 2013 in San Francisco. This blog is the story of her life, her death, her birth, and of what comes after.

  15. I started my blog in the days after I lost my daughter Alaska Eileen to a second trimester missed miscarriage. It is about life after loss–the roller coaster of loving through grief. This week I lost my rainbow baby to an early miscarriage, so I will be sharing some of my pregnancy after loss experience and blogging through my grief over losing my tiny baby Auburn who was meant to be our rainbow.

  16. My blog covers topics on first trimester miscarriage, pregnancy after a loss, and my journey as a bereavement doula. I created the blog and the book following the loss of my daughter, Ruby Josephine, in the first trimester.

  17. I am a new to the community of pregnancy loss after losing my baby girl Presley on October 9th at 18 weeks. My mission has become to educate healthcare providers regarding the trauma of loss and how to better prepare to care for patients and their families during these experiences. I have a long journey ahead of me and it’s only just begun. Please visit my blog to hear more about my story.

  18. Correction to the above mentioned URL

  19. My blog,, is about the stillbirth of my daughter, Charlotte Olivia, at 5 months and my subsequent coping and grieving process. It’s about learning to celebrate my daughter and be a mother to my earth-bound children, including my rainbow baby who wouldn’t be here if his sister didn’t die.

  20. My blog, is a raw explanation of my life, including 2 miscarriages at 10 and 13 weeks, and the death of our full-term baby girl from pulmonary vein atresia at 3 days old in December 2014. The doctors had no idea that anything was wrong, as her condition was undetectable via sonograms. I’m also high risk with a clotting disorder, and we are praying about whether we should try for another child. I am a Christian, so my blog also deals with my struggles and strengths in my journey of faith, grief, and joy.

  21. Our son was stillborn almost 10 years ago, and our blog follows life from then. We’re still here. Still missing him.

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