Archives for February 2012

Filing Taxes after Pregnancy & Infant Loss

As if grief isn’t hard enough, the logistical and practical factors intrude into our safe space, demanding that our most vulnerable experience be gazed at through the lens of something other than what we see.

Simply put, if we have endured pregnancy and infant loss, we may, humbly, with trepidation and curiosity, wonder how our child not alive might be included in our family as we turn to filing our taxes.


The answer is not very affirming.  While there may be absolutely rational legal explanations to the way in which this is formulated, it is a formula nonetheless.


Directly from the IRS.GOV website is , with this bracket:


Child born alive.    You may be able to claim an exemption for a child born alive during the year, even if the child lived only for a moment. State or local law must treat the child as having been born alive. There must be proof of a live birth shown by an official document, such as a birth certificate. The child must be your qualifying child or qualifying relative, and all the other tests to claim an exemption for a dependent must be met.
Stillborn child.    You cannot claim an exemption for a stillborn child.


In regard to claiming Head of Household:

Death or birth. You may be eligible to file as head of household even if the qualifying person who qualifies you for this filing status is born or dies during the year. To qualify you for head of household filing status, the qualifying person (as defined in Table 4) must be one of the following.

  • Your qualifying child or qualifying relative who lived with you for more than half the part of the year he or she was alive.
  • Your parent for whom you paid, for the entire part of the year he or she was alive, more than half the cost of keeping up the home he or she lived in.


In this line, it may be helpful to visit your state listing regarding Certificate of Birth.

Stillbirthday dads and moms would like to make mention to you:

01} The birth certificate you obtain is likely to say “deceased” or similar directly on it. This is troubling to some parents but is important to prevent fraud and someone illegally using your child’s identity.

02} In place of the social security number (assuming your child did not live long enough to be assigned one), you type in “dead”.

03} You cannot file electronically. The return has to be printed and mailed in order to include the birth certificate, since there is no social security number.

04} It is possible that you could deduct some or all of the medical expenses related to the care, delivery, and even autopsy or testing of your stillborn baby. There are a lot of “if/then” questions regarding all medical deductions, and these are no different in regards to the law. If you can itemize. If you didn’t make “too much”. If. But please don’t assume that you can or cannot without speaking to a professional. Many will answer these questions at no charge.


One dad says, “I hate filing taxes every year because we will never be able to count Bentley as our child in maryland. But he still is and was born perfect but the state doesn’t recognize it. Very stressful every year. It is a punch in the gut every year.”


It is my hope only to share factual information in a compassionate way.  Please, be sure to visit the IRS.GOV site or your personal tax preparer for the most up-to-date information regarding filing taxes, as they may have revised and updated information for you.


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Thank you for your help in keeping this page updated:

Sarah Russell

Blake Nalley

Katie Short

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Better and Better

Told by: Stephanie

In 2001 I became pregnant for the first time. My father had been in and out of the hospital for most of 2000 and 2001 so I didn’t think much of it when I missed my first period in July. I figured the stress was getting to me but then when I had no period in August, in addition to some queasy feelings and exhaustion, I decided to buy a pregnancy test. I told my mom that I had missed two periods in a row and that was unusual for me. So she sat in the bathroom with me while I took the test. I could only imagine her own heartbreak at knowing her daughter might be unexpectedly pregnant. The test came up positive and as soon as I saw it I burst into tears. I had been dating my boyfriend for over a year but something deep inside of me knew that he would not be happy about this. My mom told me that she and my father would be there for me no matter what. So I went to tell my boyfriend. I remember sitting down on the floor while he was lying on the bed and telling him, “I’m pregnant.” His first response was, “Well, you’re gonna get that taken care of right? Cause I am NOT ready to be a father.” I remember feeling like it was all a bad dream. Here was this man that I loved and the one moment that I needed him to be supportive and caring and, well, all it seemed he could think about was himself. I told him that I could not have an abortion; that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did that. Of course, screaming and fighting matches ensued. For two solid weeks he badgered me, belittled me and screamed about how I was going to ruin his life and on and on. I continued to reply to him, “If you don’t want this then you are welcome to leave but I will not be forced to do something I do not want to do.” Suddenly, one day, he called me at work. He asked to meet me for lunch so I did. As we sat there staring at each other in uncomfortable silence he finally told me that he realized that he had to accept that I was not going to terminate the pregnancy and if I was going to go through with it then he would be there to support me. FINALLY – some reassurance! Two weeks after that I went for my first OB appointment. I had estimated that I was about 10 weeks based upon last period prior to my appointment. I had been having mild cramping off and on for about a week before my OB visit, but most of the books that I read had said that was normal but if you had spotting or bleeding, to call your OB right away. I had no spotting or bleeding so I figured I was okay. I sat in the waiting room, excited to see my baby for the first time because I knew they would be doing a scan to see exactly how far along I was. The nurse called my name and I went into give a urine sample and as I was doing that I felt something more warm than just urine. I looked into the toilet bowl and there were streaks of bright red blood. I immediately ran out and told the nurse that I was bleeding. She rushed me to the ultrasound room and the tech came in to do the transvaginal scan. As I lay there I knew, I just KNEW that this was over but there was the tiny of tiniest hope that maybe I was wrong. The tech looked at me sadly and turned the screen around so that I could see for myself: “I am so sorry but it appears you have a blighted ovum.” I looked at the screen and saw the sac and could see where it was attached to my uterus and that it looked like it had started dividing but then just stopped. I asked her what “blighted ovum” meant and she told me that basically the sperm and egg meet – the egg attaches but something happens that stops it from developing. I began to sob – this little creature that I had fought SO damned hard for and wanted so desperately was gone before he or she even began to live. I numbly made my way out of the u/s room and was taken to an exam room where my OB came in. He told me my options – to let the ovum pass naturally or to have a D & C. He said that he personally recommended the D & C option because I was young and wanted to have future children but if I wanted to miscarry at home that was up to me. I chose the D & C because I worried about future fertility. I drove home sobbing. I called my boyfriend and he said nothing – actually, he sounded like he gave a sigh of relief which hurt me straight to the core. My mom was the next person I called. I sobbed as I told her and she cried with me over the phone. Then I went to her house and curled up on her bed while she held me and told me that we would get through this. My poor father, we had told him nothing at this time because I didn’t want to stress him out since he’d been sick so much. My daddy found out about my pregnancy the same time I told him that it was over. He hugged me so tightly and told me it was all going to be okay. The doctor had scheduled my D & C for the very next morning. My mom and dad went with me but my boyfriend told me he was going to work. I was still hurt – he acted like this was no big deal, and I guess in a way, it was a gigantic relief for him. I sat in the waiting room of the outpatient center waiting to be called in to get started when my boyfriend showed up. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe it. I asked him what he was doing there and he said he’d come to support me. They took me back and the next hours are a blur. The doctor who performed my D & C did come out after I woke up and told me that I would be able to get pregnant again when I wanted to. She also gave me a card with a name and number of a counselor if I needed someone to talk to. She is a wonderful OB/GYN and is currently my GYN. The days after my D & C were tough. The worst was what people said to me: “You’ll get pregnant again.” Um, okay – jerk. “It wasn’t really a baby so at least you don’t have to live with that.” O.o “You should consider this a blessing in disguise.” That came from my boyfriend’s sister…*eye roll* “At least you don’t have to worry about getting fat.” That one came from my boyfriend’s friend’s girlfriend. What was really tough was that my best friend was about as far along as I was. I could not stand to be around her while her pregnancy progressed along normally which broke both of our hearts. But she understood and let me come around her again when I was ready. It will be 11 years this year since this happened and it’s still hard to believe it’s been that LONG. That boyfriend and I broke up in 2004 which was a good think as he was quite an emotional and verbally abusive guy and he cheated on me. Do I regret my loss of my first child – yes – yes a thousand times over. But I also know that my life would be vastly different today had I had that first baby. I was able to get my act together and finish school and buy a house and become a productive adult. I know that had I stayed with my ex and had that baby, well, I am not sure that I would have been successful at any of that. And that’s what I think is bittersweet about this – I wanted that baby so much but I realize that maybe, just maybe, there was a reason that my first pregnancy ended the way it did. Funny thing though – in August of 2010 I missed my period, felt tired all the time, queasy, breasts ached…and I thought to myself, “uh-oh.” On August 13, 2010, I took another home pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant again but this time I did not burst into tears because I knew that my current boyfriend would be supportive of me and not abandon or threaten to abandon me. And I was right – he was thrilled when I told him. He reacted in the supportive, loving and happy way I wish my ex had. What was so ironic was that my new baby would be due in the spring like my first baby was supposed to be. On April 18, 2011 our son was born via C-section and delivered by the same OB who had seen me the day I found out about my blighted ovum. It was the best day of my life and we are now a very happy, very loving family.

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The SBD® Doula provides support to families experiencing birth in any trimester and in any outcome.

Here at, you can learn about the SBD® Doula.